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modernism in art assumes a very broad area, however in general modernism is considered to handle the implications of industrialization on mankind's soul. When we think of the advances with the 19th century, railroads and the telegraph, the playback quality of sound and also the transmittal of sound from the telephone, this era spills over to the 20th century with the advances during flight and even flight from our home planet to other orbs in space. How could this be when compared to struggle for mere existence that men and women endured from since the beginning up until 1969, when man walked upon our moon? Art, ever reflective of true to life, mimics the stresses and strains, joys yet still moments of the artist's own life, in whatever era he lives in, so it comes as no surprise that modernism nowadays displays the world of the mostly-urban, mostly-civilized man. Rural scenes continue to exist, of course, but they are portrayed in vastly different styles than in previous ages.

Once we think of modern art, who springs in your thoughts but Picasso, he from the jarring perspective and bright colors, shaking up the art world while he did in the early Last century and throughout his longevity? Not even impressionism charged the art world so making it ready to expand its consciousness to take into account new approaches. As we think of modernism's focus upon introspection, then what artists see inside themselves should be unique, because every person is unique. It is the artist's responsibility to himself also to society to bring this outside in such a way as to communicate his or her own uniqueness. How he is doing this varies from abstract expressionism to cubism to Dadaism to performance art, installation art as well as self-art, for instance body piercing and tattooing.

modernism art - The rejection of traditional art practices alone doesn't make up modernism; the political spectrum must be considered as well. For example, Dadaism evolved in neutral Switzerland in regards to the period of the First World War, using its nationalism and colonial entanglements breeding war and confusing the people about the exact factors behind why they were at war. Dadaism called itself anti-war, anti-intellectualism and anti-bourgeois; actually, it was pro-chaos, and in perhaps an ironic way, because the birth of the movement began during wartime and did not last long after hostilities ceased. The advocates of the movement shifted to other pursuits in life after they had had their say. Dadaism could be said to have executed its purpose and then quit, a purely intellectual genre of modernism that have to have proved gratifying to those who aspire to modernism's focus on speed.

By emphasizing the 'new', modernism by necessity rejects the old and even seems to despise it, since the concepts of modernism preclude formality as well as the old ways of painting, with brush and canvas and studio sittings. By using impressionism's open air techniques, everything is out in the open for all to see the process as the piece is being made. Nothing hidden, nothing subtle, everything open, seems to be the modus operandi. Yet modernism possibly forgets that today's modern man will probably be obsolete in a few years or so and will look back on this very day and laugh at his perceptions and conceits; it really is one of the drawbacks of contemporary thought that seeks to be always new and exciting.

modernism in art - Peter Dranitsin is a self taught and self representing artist. He spent my youth in the family where his mother an expert artist and his father an expert photographer.

"As a kid growing up Peter took art classes and learned the basic concepts of drawing, painting and sculpture. Peter loves to paint and contribute all his time creating new paintings. Lots of people ask him what motivates him to color - "My abstract art is spontaneous, and creating something beautiful from something unknown is my motivation in creating new abstract paintings."

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