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Dies ist eine alte Version. Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung: 22:48, 23. Jun. 2012 durch SealeMoats645 (Diskussion | Beiträge).
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Sent inside the city to investigate the murder of the teenage girl in a smaller Alaska town, a police detective (Pacino) accidentally shoots his individual partner whilst trying to apprehend a suspect. Instead of admitting his guilt, the detective is given an unexpected alibi, but this "solution" only multiplies the emotional complexity and guilt more than his partner's death. He's also Insomnia (2002)still got a murder to solve, along with the blackmail and framing of an innocent bystander becoming orchestrated by the man they have been chasing. There's also a local detective (Swank) who is conducting her own personal investigation... of his partner's death. Will it all occur crashing down on him

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