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Do Animal's Spirits Stay Behind

Animals for a lot of people hold a unique place in our way of life and hearts. It was the situation for our family dog, Crystal, who unfortunately handed down Monday, May 3rd 2010. She'd developed a cancerous tumor in her own mouth in September of 2009. Since September, my family and I knew that we could be confronted with needing to decide to put her to rest. A few days before, we felt that it was the very best decision to create. She had been active up until Monday, but i was concerned the tumor may spread in to the back of her throat, reducing vital oxygen. Afterwards, I used to be sitting with my mother, and she or he asked me "Do you believe part of her will stay?" meaning her spirit. I immediately answered without hesitation "Yes. I actually do."

I know that every animal lover who believes in the information on spirits will agree with me. Animals develop their own personality, and be part of the family. The normal scene in movies and commercials from the loyal dog waiting patiently in the door for you to get home, traveling in the passenger seat of the car or truck using their head in the wind, and coming in your living space each morning to wake you up may all be cliche, but they are all true.

Crystal developed her very own personality, and her unique habits. She always laid in our yard on sunshine, making it her passion to chase the cat across the street when he strayed into the backyard. My father could not go for a drive anywhere without Crystal bounding in the stairs blocking the door until he grabbed her leash. Even though she might not physically be around anymore, I know that her spirit will visit whenever the neighbors cat is in our yard, when my father goes for a drive, or to lay within our yard on sunny days. Even speaking with our animals that have handed down can bring their spirit nearer to us.

animal totems

Probably the most common things I often hear others say about losing an animal, is "It requires a while to get used to them not there. You walk in thinking they'll be there, and you understand that it actually happened. They aren't there anymore." I finally understood what others had meant with that Tuesday morning. I expected to determine Crystal laying in our yard in the sun. I started to think, "What if she really is there, and i'm sensing her." Honestly, In my opinion that is what it had been. I had been sensing her. You would have it crazy to me that they wouldn't check us out.

When others believe they expect their pets to become there, I would be willing to bet their animal remains watching them over, ensuring their loved ones is okay. Once they know their loved ones is okay, I believe they move ahead. This is the point in time after i believe families adapt to and fully realize the very fact their animal has passed on, since their spirit isn't there as often anymore given that they know their family is okay. However, they will always visit day to day to say hi and sit in their favorite spots.