Installing and configuring Eclipse

Aus Salespoint

Dies ist eine alte Version. Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung: 13:38, 5. Okt. 2011 durch Christopher Bellmann (Diskussion | Beiträge).
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download eclipse


1. download "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers": eclipse download website
2. extract the downloaded content wherever you want to have your programs (e.g. C:\Program Files); now your eclipse is "installed"

Mac OS X

  • Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • Extract the tarball to a destination of your choice. In the new "eclipse" directory, click "Eclipse" to start Eclipse. No further installation is necessary.

configure Eclipse

1. start your eclipse
2. define a workspace: a place on your computer where you want to have your self programmed applications

install SVN

therefor please check out this video.

setup salepoint 5 project

get EclipsLink

1. right click on your project --> Properties --> JPA
2. select "Plattform": "EclipseLink 2.3.x"
3. in "JPA implementation" select "Type": "User Library" and click on the small symbol with the disk and the arrow which says “Download Library...”
4. select "EclipseLink 2.3.0”
5. click “Next”
6. accept license and click “Finish”
7. wait until download has finished (sometimes it takes quite a while)

create database connection

1. right click on your project --> Properties --> JPA
2. "Connection": "add Connection"
3. select "Derby" and enter a Name
4. click "Next"
5. "Driver": click the small wheel which says "New Driver Definition"
6. select "Derby Embedded JDBC Driver" version 10.2
7. click tab "JAR List"
8. add derby.jar from lib folder that comes whit the salespoint5.war file
9. click "ok", click "finish"

configure persistence.xml

1. open your project --> src --> META-INF
2. if the folder does not contains an persistenc.xml create a new one: right click on META-INF --> new --> other
type xml --> click "XML file" --> click "next"
name file: "persistence.xml" --> click "finish"
3. open persistence.xml
4. open tap "Connection"
5. "Transaction type": select "Resource Local"
6. "JBDC connection properties": click "populate from connection"
7. select the connection you created before and click "OK"


now you should be able to start programming

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