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The term 'luxury magazine' describes magazines which can be aimed at the affluent and celebraties - the individuals who have money to burn... and are quite happy to do so. In luxury magazines readers are presented with images, pictures and ideas they can lose themselves in, and work on achieving. They may be classy, stylish and ooze money.

Epicurean Magazine - So which magazine titles can be considered 'luxury?' Well three well-known titles are LUSSO, PURSUITIST and EPICUREAN LIFE. Let's have a look at the vital statistics from each:


   Currently going into the arena of TV
   Appeals to both sexes
   Appeals with a selection of age ranges
   Appeals to the differing tastes with the wealthy
   Published quarterly and has an online business


   Available online only
   Extremely exclusive when it comes to content, specially the travel section
   Large celebrity influence and readership
   Large blogging community


   More accessible being a read
   Very visual
   The tone with the magazine is luxury but accessible

So, what type of articles are these magazines searching for from your freelance author? Well, as Mack Reilly, the co-editor of PURSUITIST place it; 'we really adore to hear about new ideas, products and destinations. I can't care if they are from luxury brands, PR slackers or freelancers.' So the bottom line is, as long since it is extravagant and expensive, essentially anything goes! - Additionally it is donrrrt forget to remember that the readers are likely to have money, and plenty of it, and so they wish to research more information inside articles concerning how to spend their funds, where you can spend their cash, and why they need to spend their money so. So maintain your articles informative and focussed around these questions when pulling together this content. Perhaps the hardest question to answer in articles for luxury magazines may be the 'what to get questions'. Due to the status of the readers, it could be tricky to discover new items that they just haven't found out about or purchased before. This is often particularly difficult if the article can be a feature piece looking at gadgets or equipment, also it may be worth studying the latest technology developments in other areas on the planet, for example Japan. - Furthermore, your reader has to just like you, mcdougal, and it has to feel as though you truly understand the destination, eatery, fashion item or gadget that you will be currently talking about. Which means a great deal of care has to be taken when researching the article, to ensure that it really is sufficiently detailed and cutting edge for the reader. Additionally, it means that you must work with making sure a dark tone of the article is at keeping with the rest of the publication, because this will be a tone how the reader is already knowledgeable about, they like, and they respect. To actually can make this harmony within your articles, make sure that you do spend time reading previous copies with the publication that you want to write for first.

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