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MMA Fighters have to possess a steady concentrate on their lower body training. It's a crucial aspect with their success. Strength, power, and speed are huge abilities needed in the kicking game for fighters. These are all issues that may be trained! Too many fighters train the wrong way when they approach lower body training. Most fighters focus too much on long distance running for conditioning and low weight and high rep practicing resistance. Both of those methods with strip the strength, power, and speed from the fighters legs in no time! I'm going to talk in relation to its the 5 different movements which can be vital to have within an MMA fighters program. 1) Deadlifts Deadlifts are the grand daddy of most lower body lifts. Deadlifts help build-up a strong back, hamstrings, and glutes. Deadlifts are essentially considered an entire body exercise but I consider them mostly a lesser body pulling exercise. Deadlifts really are a must plus they should be train which has a heavy load. The best weight for the fighter to utilize to gain strength and power could be in the 3-6 rep range. Ideally, a solid fighter should be in a posture to pull around 2 times their bodyweight otherwise more. Good form must always be a top priority when training deadlifts. Poor form can result in injury and reduction in performance. 2) Bulgarian squats Bulgarian squats are crucial for unilateral leg training. These help single out each of the legs and help build stability and strength at the same time. I like to work with a variety of variations on Bulgarian squats. It is possible to use dumbbells, kettlebells loaded up in the rack position, or simply just work with a barbell. Sandbags may also be used very effectively as well. Either way, Bulgarian squats really are a must to help build up strength and power in the glutes. Your core strength will likely be improved by using this exercise as well. Bulgarian squats will be more of the assistance exercise which will provide with medium to light weights. It is achievable to do reps of 5-8 all the way approximately 12-15. Just know if you go higher, the further away you get from building greater strength. 3) Heavy sled pushes / pulls Every MMA Fighter really should have access to a heavy sled, prower, or at least a tire that can be utilized to drag. They're essential. Probably one with the most significant exercises to include in your program like a fighter. These are real easy to do. Just load the sled, tire, or prowler up with a few serious weight and push, pull, or drag! With these you'll create a tremendous quantity of strength and endurance for your legs! You can find a lot of various ways it is possible to use this with your program. Short sets may be used for ALL OUT power and strength or it can be done to do longer sets for strength endurance and cardio. Every way may help build your cardio regardless. You are able to choose to do these before, within the middle, or after workouts. I prefer to do them with the end because they'll require a ton of energy away from you. Get a sled and obtain to work! 4) Power skips Not enough fighters focus in on plyometric training. Power skipping is definitely an essential plyometric movement for MMA fighters. These do a set of things - build athleticism and power. Athleticism is build because skipping has a little coordination to do. I've had fighters that weren't in a situation to skip but when they learned, they became better still athletes almost overnight! These build great amounts of power in the single leg explosiveness needed to complete the movements. There are several ways to complete power skips. With power skips, you can focus in on height otherwise you can go for distance. For reps, I prefer to look by yards. 20 yards is often a good distance to coach when going for jump height. Then for distance, I like to visit 60 yards with power skipping. Power skipping is better performed on the beginning of a training session if the legs are fresh. This will help in creating the most explosiveness in a fighters abilities. 5) Front squats If Deadlifts would be the grand daddy, front squats include the grand son! Front squats are an essential movement for fighters to also help build up lower body strength, but may also be great for chest muscles core strength as well. The reason why front squats work so well at getting fighters strong relies around what sort of weight is loaded on the body. When the weight is loaded inside the front, your core is engaged an entire lots more. With front squats, you build both core strength minimizing body strength at the same time due for the load bearing for the front. Loading weight similar to this puts a ton of stress to the abs to remain in good form. The lower rep range should be used when training front squats. Somewhere in the selection of 3-6 reps should be useful for best results. These should be added in to all MMA fighters routines. They can be performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, and sandbags. You are able to even go as far as utilizing a partner to perform front squats with. So there you've it! Those will be the Five essential lower body movements for MMA fighters. Add these into your program and you will see your kicking power, strength, and speed rise in no time! mma personal training certification

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