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How to Leverage Facebook for Effective Advertising

Advertising on Facebook is not as hard as it seems. Below are some general suggestions that will explore how you can obtain the most out of your Facebook advertising campaign the easy way.

When you have an ad campaign going at Facebook, you should be sure to test them against each other for the highest possible conversions. You have to remember that Facebook advertising is different and isn't like your regular search engine PPC advertising. We're not talking about the situation where a user will only see an ad one time, never to be seen again. Over the course of a week, your target market audience could see your ad pop up twenty different times. On the other hand, with a situation like that, your audience could grow very old of seeing the same ad.

It's just that they will quickly begin to recognize your headline and copy, and then they may quickly dismiss it. So, ok... fine, then all you need to do is make different ads for your offers. It's cool because Facebook ad groups are allowed 10 or more ads in them. The changes in these ads don't have to be drastic and can be simple. We suggest different headlines for some and not for others, and those with the same headline you can change something else. A productive Facebook advertising tip would consists of using CPM and not CPC to test ads. You have to recognize the fact that CPC or cost per click is not that valuable when it comes to testing because a majority of the testing is on the landing page. This does not make testing advantageous. But you can improve things by testing ads on CPM or cost per thousand impressions and then research those ads that require the cheaper cost per click. Here you might get lower CPCs in comparison to the CPC bidding model where you test by bidding for clicks. However, when you are using a CPC model, it will help to show those ads that have the most positive outcomes and lower the whole cost of your campaign. When you use CPM you can judge what CPC rate you should be trying to get so that you can see which ads are providing the best results.

Test the outcome of your ads at many different times. Many times you will begin to see that ads get better responses at certain times of the day. Although Facebook doesn't have time features that allow you to select the time of the day to run your ads, but you can manually turn off your ads to determine the better times of performance. The horrible thing is that you have to consistently monitor the ads. You will have to test various times of the day until Facebook gets this type of feature. In conclusion, this article says that Facebook can be used to your advantage for profits. However, to succeed with it, you have to do plenty of testing, which is not possible without doing it.

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