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WordPress SEO - What You Need to Know

Taking full advantage of your WordPress blog for the search engines is not that hard to do if you follow the correct application. Some bloggers and web experts are convinced that it should be harder than it actually is. When you are just evaluating the little adjustments figuring they will be substantial down the road, WordPress SEO should be no problem. With a few helpful words about WordPress SEO, we will be supplying you with some options that might make your blog more exciting to the various search engines and the various types of folks who visit your blog...

Keyword Shows in the Title: If you only remember one thing about optimizing your WordPress is to always put the keyword in the title. This is one of the most convenient and most efficient ways to be seen by the search engines. However, you should never make keyword stuffing a part of your overall strategy. Your keyword should go in the title if you think that it will make a big difference to do it. Your title should provide SEO value as well as make sense to the reader.

Check for Valid XHTML: Even though the majority of the code errors are minor and aren't really a threat, some of these errors may actually make the search engine spiders to misinterpret your content and give them a wrong impression. Even worse is the fact that some of these coding errors will have lasting implications for your blog. Check frequently for invalid XHTML so that you can avoid this mistake costing your blog dearly. It's not WordPress that's causing the major coding problems. It's the themes that are downloaded and installed on WordPress that lead to more trouble than most people care to imagine. Don't Forget the Traditional SEO Tactics: At the end of the day, a WordPress blog is a website too, which is why you shouldn't ignore the usage of traditional SEO techniques that will help your blog climb the search engine ladder quicker. Some of the best applications for your blog may include the use of keywords in bold letters, also external and internal links; these will all increase the ease in getting your SEO in place, with extra enhancement.

Keep All Link Juice: One thing that is so common on a lot of WordPress blogs is all of the outgoing links that are placed in the sidebar.

Because these sidebar links exist on all of your blog posts, you are passing along link juice to other websites. This will have a huge effect on making the SEO on your blog effective. If you do not want this to happen, then ensure that you use the no follow tag to the pages that are not important on your blog. This is so that you are safe.

There is little you can do with your WordPress blog if you haven't got a real plan up your sleeves as far as SEO is concerned. This is why you should never ignore even the smallest of the aspects. Keep putting all of your strength into getting the search engines to rank your site higher.

The things in this article are not hard to implement. However, when you start implementing these items, you will see that they look simple enough. But, these little things can make a big difference on how your blog ranks with the search engines.

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